Medieval solar and lunar observatory discovered in Dagestan

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The Russian Geographical Society has released results of its latest research. According to the study, the medieval sanctuary of Chekhtil, located in Khivsky municipal district of the Republic of Dagestan, served as a solar and lunar observatory.

With the help of the sanctuary, the local residents used to learn about the beginnings of spring and autumn equinoxes, summer and winter solstices and the lunar cycle of 18.6 years. The architectural features of construction of the sanctuary allowed them to observe the movement of the heavenly bodies and follow annual cycles. This enabled them to mark the beginning of a new year for religious, ritual and practical purposes. It also helped them to accumulate data for creating a calendar.

The research was carried out with the help of special computer programs and calculators, which determined the azimuth and altitude of the sun and the moon, instrumental observations and measurements on the ground. The article about this discovery was published in the journal "Scientific Statements" No. 14 (61) for August 2024.

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