Dagestan Wushu-Sanda team becomes strongest at All-Russia Championship

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The republican combined wushu-sanda team took the first place in the team competition at the National Championship held in Rostov-on-Don. The event was held among juniors aged 18-20. Dagestan team performed better than the hosts of the tournament and Volgograd region, which took second and third places respectively. Magomedsalam Magomedrasulov (48 kg), Shamil Davudov (52 kg), Kuramagomed Askhabov (56 kg), Magomedrasul Magomedtagirov (70 kg), Abdula Bagaudinov (75 kg), Muhammed Khan Davudov (85 kg), Abdula Khasayev (90 kg) and Elmira Magomedova (52 kg) have become the gold medal winners.

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