35 electric charging stations installed in Dagestan in 2024
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According to various sources, the number of electric vehicles in Dagestan amounts to approximately 2,000 units. The Ministry of Energy of the Republic plans constructed 35 rapid charging stations for electric vehicles in 2024.
To ensure smooth traffic flow, all charging stations are strategically located primarily along the federal and regional highways, as well as within urban districts. Businesses and individuals who have installed charging infrastructure facilities in the Republic are granted several benefits.
Specifically, they receive subsidies amounting to up to 60% of the actual cost of equipment acquisition, with a maximum subsidy limit of RUB 1.86 million. Additionally, they enjoy a 60% reduction in fees for connecting charging infrastructure to the electricity grid, with a maximum reimbursement of RUB 900 thousand.
The use of electric transport is gaining momentum among the general public across the nation. Consequently, the region is actively working on expanding its charging infrastructure to cater to the needs of both residents and visitors of Dagestan.