Dagestan national crafts presented at Kazan exhibition
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Makhachkala, November 8, 2016. The center of folk arts and crafts of Dagestan Ministry of Tourism presented Dagestan handy crafts at the eighth specialized exhibition "Art Gallery. Kazan 2016 ", taken place in the capital of Tatarstan on November 3 - 7.
The exhibition brought together creative and talented individuals, including the craftsmen from Dagestan. The center of folk arts and crafts from Dagestan presented products of all Dagestan folk arts and crafts: Kubachi and Gotsatl jewelry art, Untsukul marquetry, manufacture of felt, Balkhar art pottery, carpets, daggers and knives.
The visitors of Dagestan platform took part in making souvenirs from clay. As to the deputy director of the center Arsen Guseynov, daily the exhibition hall hosts a series of master classes in small plastics and ceramics.
Every year, the exhibition “Art Gallery. Kazan” gathers more than 230 creative and extremely talented people - the venerable and novice painters, sculptors, photographers, designers, decorators, masters of arts and crafts, craftsmen-nuggets from different parts of Russia and foreign countries. As it informed, about 10 thousand people attend this event. The exhibition subdivides in thematic sections: arts and crafts, folk arts and crafts, painting and drawing arts, sculpture, dolls ,toys, clothes and shoes handmade, jewelry, souvenirs and gifts, antiques, home furnishings, household goods.