It is scheduled to overhaul all four units at the facility. The specialists of Gidroremont-VKKK, a subsidiary of RusHydro, have completed the assembly and installation of the rotor for the second hydroelectric unit at Chirkeyskaya hydroelectric power plant (HPP) in Dagestan.
The rotor is one of the most significant components of the hydroelectric station, boasting a diameter of approximately 9 meters and a weight of 617 tons. The newly installed rotor is slightly heavier than its predecessor, weighing 57 tons more.
The installation of the new equipment serves as part of RusHydro's comprehensive program aimed at modernizing the facilities. Additionally, it is planned to overhaul all four hydropower units at the HPP, with the turbines being manufactured by the domestic company Power Machines. Furthermore, as part of this modernization initiative, Hydroremont-VKKK will undertake the reconstruction of the 330 kV outdoor switchgear at the power plant.