Ramazan Abdulatipov wishes Dagestanis Happy New Year

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Makhachkala, December 31, 2015. Dagestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov congratulated Dagestanis on the New Year, the press service of Dagestan Head and government’s administration told RIA Dagestan.

"Anticipating this bright and cheerful holiday, we all hope for a better future, deep inside saying goodbye to the departing year.

"We will remember 2015 as a period of strengthening the country’s position in the international arena, a time of hard work and first big accomplishments in developing our republic. For the first time in recent years, Dagestan has been among the national leaders in economic growth. We’ve been solving urgent social problems to improve our standards of living - building new schools, kindergartens, hospitals, sports facilities, as well as settling pressing issues in education, health care, and developing culture.

"Today, we are striving to improve Dagestan’s image. Our homeland will keep being a successful and prosperous region only through our combined efforts. Most importantly, we’ve kept the holy values of unity and loyalty to our ancestors’ traditions and to our fate of being part of Russia both through thick and thin. It is extremely important for all of us!

"I wish every Dagestani family peace, well-being and prosperity in the common home we call Russia!" runs Dagestan Head’s address.


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