3rd Daghestan Book Fair "Tarki-Tau - 2014" to be held in Makhachkala

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Makhachkala, October 3, 2014. The 3rd Daghestan book exhibition "Tarki-Tau - 2014" will be held in Makhachkala, a source in the Daghestan Ministry of Press and Information told RIA "Dagestan". The fair will be taking place at the Gamzatov National Library 9-11 October with the ministry’s support.

The fair will feature poetry evenings, flash mobs, literary and musical events, roundtables, photo exhibitions, meetings with writers, poets and literary critics timed to the Children's Book Day and the National Literature Day.

October 11, they’ll award prizes in the nominations like: the fair’s best book, the fair’s best children’s edition, the fair’s best popular science edition, the fair’s best national languages edition, the fair’s best illustrator, the fair’s special prize "Word", and the fair’s Grand Prix.

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