Team from Dagestan becomes winner at online championship "Study the Internet - manage it"
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The XII All-Russian online competition among schoolchildren and students "Study the Internet - manage it" traditionally organized by the Coordination Center of .RU/.RF domains with support of Rostelecom has come to the end. The event has been attended by 5 thousand schoolchildren and students from 40 regions of Russia.
During the competition, which was held in two stages, the individual participants and teams prepared several creative works (longreads about the teacher of the future, news reports and posts about the event), as well as completed 24 interactive tasks of the online tournament on the theme "Technologies in Education".
RFMLI Team captained by Suaibat Abdulaeva (a teen from Makhachkala) took the first place in the online championship.
Noteworthy, Suaibat Abdulaeva, a teacher at the Republican Multidisciplinary Lyceum for Gifted Children, has led her team to victory in this championship for the third time. In 2017, the team under her leadership took the second place, and in 2020 – the first place.