Dagestan hosts FIGHT NIGHTS Tournament

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Makhachkala, September 27, 2016. On September 25, the Russian promotional company FIGHT NIGHTS held its second tournament in Dagestan. About 12 fights were provided within the tournament, taken place in the Kaspiysk Sports Palace. The combatants were Dagestani and foreign athletes.

The main event of the tournament was the duel in the weight category over 93 kg between the undefeated Sergei Pavlovich and Dagestani sportsman Akhmedsheykh Gelagaev. As informed, Pavlovich won by TKO in the first round.

Dagestani lightweight champion Rasul Mirzaev also gained victory by TKO over Brazilian Diego Nunes in the first round. Another Dagestani fighter-lightweight Murad Machaум defeated Briton Jack McGann by a throttlehold in the second round.

Here are the results of other winners: in the weight category up to 73 kg - Akhmed Aliyev (Dagestan, Russia); up to 83.9 kg - Abusupiyan Alikhanov (Dagestan, Russia); up to 68 kg - Gadzhi Rabadanov (Dagestan, Russia); up to 93 kg - Shamil Akhmedov (Dagestan, Russia); 77.1 kg - Raymond Magomedaliev (Dagestan, Russia); 77.1 kg - Saygid Izagahmaev (Dagestan, Russia); 83.9 kg - Dauren Ermekov (Kazakhstan);70 kg - Magomed Dibirdadaev (Dagestan, Russia); 77.1 kg - Zelimkhan Yusupov (Dagestan, Russia); 70.3 kg - Said Azizov (Dagestan, Russia).


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