Republican authorities to focus on industry development in Dagestan
2 минуты
Makhachkala, December 21, 2015. Dagestani Head Ramazan Abdulatipov and the director of the Development Fund of Industry of the Russian Federation, Alexey Komissarov have signed an agreement on mutual cooperation.
It is about interaction in several spheres: the implementation of national and regional industrial policy; the coordination of scientific, technical and innovation programs; the promotion of activities in the field of industry on the territory of Dagestan; the assistance in implementation of the high-tech projects in priority areas to ensure the implementation of the best available technologies and import substitution; the creation of the information support system for high-tech projects in order to analyze and transfer the experience gained by the introduction of new technologies and solutions to other subjects of the Russian Federation.
"This is very important, because, unfortunately, when the world is already in post-industrial development, Dagestan is still at the level of approaching industrial development. The law in industrial policy provides so many opportunities. Sometimes we do not even read those moments that are in the law, so we can use them to the fullest. Therefore, we will cooperate" – Abdulatipov noted.
Alexey Komissarov expressed hope for successful collaboration:
"I know that industrial production growth in the first 11 months of 2015 in the Republic of Dagestan, in my opinion, in the region totals 105%, if I haven't got it mixed up. Therefore, this is a very good indicator for our times.
Therefore, I think that you are all well developed and will be further developed. With regard to regional funds, it is planned to start some of these funds in different regions next year. We would be pleased if the Republic of Dagestan were one of the pioneers in this activity".
The Minister for Industry, Trade and Investment of Dagestan Yusup Umavov have taken the position of the Permanent Representative for Cooperation with the Fund.
"This is a very good start that Dagestan enterprises submitted 16 applications to the Fund. Four of them have been recognized as promising. I think one or two projects will receive support. The Republic of Dagestan will attach all the necessary efforts, if needed, to co-finance or to support the newly formed businesses."-Umavov concluded.