Dagestan bids farewell to composer of republic's anthem

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The People's Artist of the USSR, Hero of Labor of Russia, Soviet and Russian composer, conductor, teacher, public figure Murad Kazhlayev passed away at the 93rd year of life. Kazhlaev is the author of music of Dagestan anthem. His works have long been recognized as part of the world’s golden collection.

The deputy Prime Minister of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov expressed condolences to the family and friends of Murad Kazhlayev. Abdulmuslimov noted that the amazing, sincere and heartfelt melodies of Kazhlaev will forever remain with Russians and his music will inspire dozens of future generations. “A true genius devoted most of his life to the education and personal development of gifted children” – Abdulmuslimov said.

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