Dagestan allocates 10 billion rubles for first stage of construction of children's center

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Dagestan authorities intend to allocate 10.2 billion rubles for the construction and implementation of the first stage of the project for the creation of the All-Russian Children's Center "Dagestan", the regional Ministry of Economy and Territorial Development reports.

The Center will include educational, developmental and related infrastructure. "The estimated area of placement of the children's center will make approx. 90 hectares (30 hectares at the first stage of implementation). According to the project, the first stage is expected to create infrastructure for the year-round accommodation of 1,125 children" the ministry official says.

At present, KAVKAZ.RF jointly with the town-planning institute Mirproekt is working on the formation of a master plan to design and estimate documentation of the children's center "Dagestan". It is planned to allocate 306 million rubles for these purposes.

Earlier, at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) - 2023 the Head of Dagestan Sergei Melikov noted that the All-Russian Children's Center, which is planned to be built in Dagestan, will be able to operate in year-round mode.

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