Dagestan counts on federal support to create a new wastes management system

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A new system for the management of municipal solid wastes (MSW) will be created in Dagestan with support from the federal budget. The federal funding will make it possible to implement all the planned measures in this direction, the adviser to the Prime Minister of the Republic Zarema Urazayeva said.

"Support from the federal center will allow to implement all planned activities and create a new waste management system with modern infrastructure in this area, which will ensure the entire cycle of waste movement" – Urazaeva is quoted saying.
According to the official, the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Dagestan is currently developing a concept for adjusting the territorial waste management scheme. Besides, the work to implement the roadmap measures for the development of the MSW management system, signed by the government of the republic with the Russian environmental operator is underway.

Earlier, the deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko announced that the Russian government planned to help Dagestan, Crimea, Sevastopol and Arkhangelsk region to build waste processing plants.

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