Daghestan mission officials visit Nepali house in "Ethnic World"
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Makhachkala, June 17, 2014. This weekend, a delegation from Daghestan Permanent Mission at the Russian president took part in the inauguration of a memorial bust to the famous Nepali poet Bhanubhakt Acharya, a source in the mission told RIA "Daghestan". The delegation was: Deputy Permanent Representative Hajji-Murad Kazhlaev, department head Omar Ibragimov and permanent representative’s adviser Elena Demchenko.
Officials from the Nepal embassy headed by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Russian Federation in Nepal Dr. Ravi Mohan Sapkota, Nepali and Russian intellectuals including a photographer - the author of the photo exhibition named "Daghestan and Nepal - 2 mountain countries" Ivan Kozorezov, and leadership of the culture-and-education centre "Ethnic World" attended the solemn event taking place in the "Ethnic World" center in Kaluga region.
The guests particularly emphasized the role of cultural centers in developing cooperation between countries and nations. They said that "Ethnic World" had planned to build a Caucasus house to allow visitors to learn more about the culture and life of Caucasian peoples.